Here are a few pics from my Godson’s Christening - Ted Muller. It was the morning after Denise’s wedding and me and Corinne were feeling a bit tired to say the least. It was a great day and we were able to catch up with the rellies too. Ted is a nice little baby as he is quiet and happy and not yet able to reak destruction.
The proud Family; Wade, Harper (planning destruction), Andrea and the as yet unholy Teddy pre-christening.
There I am, morning after Sister in laws wedding, fighting nausea and holding the candle of love and happiness.
Ted looks so sweet, lovely family. Good that you managed to meet the occasion so well, Ben, after our good night at the wedding :)
Beautiful baby!
Wow Ben! I am impressed.You don't even look seedy.It was nice to finally meet you at D's wedding.
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