28 November 2010

The Peaks District–Buxton

Yesterday we made our way from Southport over to the Peak District to see Emma, Danny and Sophie.  We were going to go down to Essex for a 30th Birthday but the bday girl has inconveniently damaged two discs in her spine so that was called off.

We drove up to the Peaks and first started to see hints of snow around Knutsford.  By the time we got up into the moors there was snow every where and the sheepies looked cold and were struggling to find their grass.  Buxton itself has a nice little blanket of snow and since the sun is so low here in the northern hemisphere and the temps so low (-5 currently) most of the snow stays in place.

Map picture

We had a great time as usual and learnt that babies don’t actually sleep. 

On Sunday morning, poor Danny went off to work in Lincoln and we had a leisurely breakfast and then walked up to Solomon’s Temple which is a folly on a hill overlooking Buxton.  Its a brilliant walk as you get a bit of everything; flat fields, woods, hills, moors and folly’s.  We got some great pics and Bryn the mutt met a few friends too.

buxton panorama 2

A panoramic view of the moors from Solomons Temple

buxton panorama

The woods looking bare and beautiful against the snow and blue sky


The 3 girls and Bryn


Walking up to the woods


The track through the woods


Bryn having a great time racing around in circles


What an Athlete


Male Model


Super Snow mutt


Through the folly Window


Bryn’s friend, a young schnauzer, flying through the air, chasing Bryn.


Unknown said...

we hate you, and love you. how can you be so free so suddenly and without us. Great action shots of the dashing mut, and beautiful women and red bull can't sleep young Sophie (plenty of time for sleeping in one of those tilt chairs in the day room of a dank care home later on). We left Hastings early this morning to a solid fall of snow; but nothing in Southampton. Yet. The heating is broken and it's chilly. Look forward to further posts. Make them look horrible so we can enjoy going to work. Cheers, M & S

Janine said...

Fantastic photos again, Ben. I love the dogs.I want the schnauzer for my pet. And of course the girls are just beautiful. Denise and Adam found out early that babies don't sleep!! You are an excellent photographer. xxx